Sky Therapy was introduced by Annette Bokpe and Annette Müller in Germany. Sky Therapy is a spiritual and energetic healing technique aimed at stress release, freeing one’s mind from fears, depressions, emotional blocks, and stresses. This system is to be applied only by professionals and can easily be integrated into any therapy. The technique was borrowed from therapeutic practices of Jamaica. 

The core of the technique lies in the constant and inseparable interaction of body and mind and consists in energetic work of a therapist. By connecting to limbic system and hypophysis the therapist dives into a specific trance (whether staying beside patients or talking to them on the telephone) and influences patients who at that moment focuses on their fears, problems or other stressful situations to the full and thus find themselves in a so-called “sky-condition” (from the English word sky). 

Exactly working as a tandem doctor-patient leads to overcoming patient’s problems and fears. 

This technique proves to be efficient in case of all psychological conditions and psycho-somatic conflicts. The therapy is more effective when the therapist applies this technique to children.